Menopause Review Consultation

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Welcome to the Webdoctor Online Menopause/Perimenopause Service. 

Our GPs with a special interest in menopause provide advice that is individually tailored to manage your specific concerns and symptoms. 

Who is this service suitable for?

This service is suitable for:

  • Birth sex females aged ≥41 years and  ≤ 69 years

This service is NOT suitable for patients with:

  • A known history of Breast or Ovarian Cancer (a personal history or active diagnosis)
  • Active Venous Thromboembolism (blood clots in the veins)
  • Patients seeking a prescription for an intrauterine system as part of HRT (examples include Mirena coil)

How does this service work?

  • Initial consultation

This will be a 25 minute video consultation with one of our Menopause doctors. During this consultation we will discuss your current symptoms, past medical history and treatment options.

There will be a medical questionnaire to complete before your consultation so your doctor can review this in advance. This is to help you get the most from your consultation time.

  • Review consultation

This will be a 15 minute video consultation with one of our Menopause doctors; usually 3 months after the initial consultation, then 6 monthly. Annual review of Hormonal Replacement Therapy (HRT) is essential. 

Please note, if it has been more than 1 year since your last consultation an initial consultation will be required. 

There are some women that will require specialist referral for advice on hormonal replacement therapy (HRT). If this is felt to be clinically appropriate, we will discuss this with you and can arrange a referral. 

Regrettably we may be unable to issue prescriptions for certain unlicensed medications but are happy to discuss and provide an alternative.

What is menopause/ perimenopause and what is this service aiming to achieve?

A diagnosis of perimenopause/menopause is based on:

  • Menopausal symptoms flagged by the patient +/- changes in periods.
  • No period for > 12 months if you are over 50 years or for under >24 months if under 50 years and not on contraception.
  • Surgically-induced menopause (post-hysterectomy).

Perimenopause is the journey leading to menopause. Perimenopause can start from 45 years onwards, with the average age being 50 years. 

Perimenopause can continue well into the 50’s but once a woman reaches 55 years old, natural fertility is deemed to be finished and contraception is no longer required. However, this does not mean that perimenopausal symptoms just disappear. 

Between 40-45 years, perimenopausal symptoms are regarded as the start of a Premature Menopause. Symptoms at 40 years or under could possibly be related to Premature Ovarian failure and this service is unsuitable for this management. 

Here at Webdoctor, we aim to help with your physical symptoms, address any concerns on treatment options and offer both dietary and lifestyle advice

Dr. Sylvester Mooney


Clinical Director